An Effective Teacher
treats each student as an individual ray of light emanating from the same
source – the classroom. It is important that students be afforded the
opportunity to display their unique gifts, talents and skills and be recognized
for it. Just as the athlete has the court and the field to display their
abilities, teachers must find the best forums for others to be acknowledged and
show their uniqueness. This may be in the science lab, at a music recital, public
speaking or a tournament; whatever the venue, students must be allowed to
To be an Effective
Teacher in this endeavor, students must be known individually and placed in the
best environment which allows them to flourish, or the result can backfire and
perform more harm than good. We observe in nature that fish function best when in
water and plants when rooted in the soil. In similitude, the Effective Teacher
seeks out and determines the opportune time, and location for their students to
A poignant article on helping shy students to shine